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Elysian Fields

This apartment building endeavors to deliver something different to a neighborhood which has seen little investment in the last fifty years. The design aggregates a diversity of live/work type units — from a 580 square foot micro-unit to a 1,375 square foot three bedroom loft — with each unit incorporating some form of double height space giving the units an air of grandiosity.

This part of Los Angeles is alive with color, various textures, and murals marking many generations of people and cultures in the area. Subsequently, the different facades of the building, while aggressively new, are vaguely inspired by the multiplicity of storefronts in the neighborhood. The amalgamation of bold colors, bold form, as well as contemporary and traditional building materials, together form a language tied specifically to this area of Los Angeles. 

Inside the building, no unit is repeated twice and ample exterior spaces such as balconies, patios, and large courtyard spaces are provided for each. The central courtyard planter, growing a variety of vegetation and miniature trees, becomes the social condenser for the building and hides within it the rainwater filtration system. Smaller ‘supportive’ vegetation including herbs, vegetables, and flower gardens will be planted throughout the building perimeter and residents will be encouraged to supplement with their own plantings. 

The main facade is an obvious sign of sustainability and serves as a second skin to the building providing solar shading while also framing views of various parts of Los Angeles beyond.

Photo Credit: Harrison Steinbuch

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