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Motor Apartments

This 6 story mixed-use development, located on an infill property on Motor Ave. near Venice Blvd. in Palms, California, utilizes the Transit Oriented Communities (TOC): Affordable Housing Incentive Program to pack 36 residential units, including 4 affordable units, on its site. Being so close to a major intersection, our site was allotted 1 floor of commercial/retail space and 5 floors of affordable residential space.


Because of the small site, the building design was focused on the front facade. Incorporating splayed surfaces as the main architectural element, the front façade acts as a “sleeve” over the building front, simultaneously softening the massive block-like form and drawing attention to the small site.  Along its perimeter, the building sports an array of balconies and planters that respond to site specific codes, building setback requirements, and height restrictions.

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